Monday, September 26, 2011

11 Months old and busier than ever!

Molly is now 11 months old and so busy! She is happiest when she is active (which means she's not a fan of sitting on our laps quietly at church :/ but she does love to smile and wave at everyone there! ). She is a very fast crawler and climber. She pulls herself to stand, but doesn't stand or walk on her own yet.

We have recently "retired" her favorite song ("Somewhere Over the Rainbow/What a wonderful World" by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole. It used to be one of our favorite songs, too, but then we listened to it a few too many times in the car! Now we've moved on to a Baby Einstein CD...and will be looking for a replacement for that one soon too. :-)

She loves it when daddy will turn on music for her to dance to, especially Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, and Shakira. Her favorite before bed is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Funny kid!

Molly has recently discovered cheerios and blueberries as new favorite foods. She loves her fruit, and she loves to be able to pick up small pieces and feed herself. She's a big "helper" to me, and often unloads the laundry basket faster than I can load it.

Jonny has been enjoying the nice weather to go golfing with his dad or brother-in-law. He's refined his golf equipment collection and will be sad to see the season end! He's enjoying his early schedule at work so he can spend the afternoons and evenings with us. :)

I (Hailey) am almost finished with my first 12 week series of childbirth education classes that I've been teaching at Salt Lake Prenatal Massage. My blog/website is Teaching the class each week is something that I look forward to and really enjoy. The couples in my class are so wonderful to work with, and the information I have to share with them is so important.

Our big news is that we made an offer on a house here in Bountiful! Hopefully if things go well we should be moving in around the time of Molly's 1st birthday (towards the end of next month). Keeping our fingers crossed!