Wednesday, July 7, 2010

More pictures of Baby Hoppy!

We started calling our baby Hoppy at the very first appointment because she was jumping all over the place (and since we didn't know if it was a boy or girl). This week we got to go back to the ultrasound place and get a better look at our baby! We know for sure now that it is a GIRL! Everything looks really good. We'll get more details at our appointment next week... almost 3rd trimester now!

Usually we think the 3-D images are kinda creepy looking, but I just can't resist this one...look at that nose! I'm counting the days til I can kiss that nose and the cute little toes, too!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Baby Maloney

I've been wanting to post for months about this new baby, but had to keep it private for a while (which is why I've made the blog "invitation only" at the moment).

We are so thrilled to be adding to our family! My due date is October 18 and we can't wait to see this little one in person....

Yesterday, we had the unexpected opportunity to have our ultrasound (we thought I might be having gallbladder problems, so they sent me for an ultrasound and looked at the baby while we were there).

The million dollar question, of course, is, "girl or boy?" Our answer: stubborn! The more we tried to get (her?) to move, the tighter those knees stuck together and then finally the baby crossed its legs! too funny! maybe we'll find out next time?

And a few more those little fingers and toes already!

Hopefully this will become public knowledge in the next day or two and I can start posting pics, etc. on facebook....

Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy 2010!

I realized I'd never posted an update during the holidays. We enjoyed a relaxing and fun winter break, spending time with each other and our families.

A few pics:

We decided to go for the cheaper option and purchased this 6 foot, pre-lit Christmas tree during the Black Friday sales! It was fun to use many of the ornaments that had decorated our reception last year. Happy memories!

We took advantage of lots of the fun winter activities around town, including the zoo lights, which we were both really impressed by.

Christmas Eve was spent with the Maloneys and Christmas afternoon was spent with the Forsgrens. We feel so blessed to have both families so close by!

Dec. 27th brought our first anniversary. We are grateful for our marriage and had a relaxing, enjoyable day. We each took a bite of our wedding cake (stored in the freezer) and despite appearances, it was actually pretty delicious.

We wish everyone the best for 2010!