Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Who knew life could be this good?

*Sigh.* I love my life. I feel like the luckiest girl on the planet. My fiance is amazing and we can't wait to get married! (We're quite pathetic and I do feel sorry for our roommates, workmates, families....basically anyone who has to spend time around us as we always talk about each other!). Then again, we've lived through this with roommates many times before, so I guess we feel justified now that it's our turn. ;-) Honestly, though, I just didn't understand how happy a person can be! We are so good for each other and so excited to live life together!

Lots of exciting things going on--my old roommate Britta took our engagement pictures last night (I should have some proofs online by Wednesday and I'll definitely post on my blog!), we're narrowing down our home search (seeing a few more properties tonight), and getting more of the details for our married life figured out. The to do list just evolves...

The great part is that we can have a huge long list of errands and have the best time just running errands together (although we are looking forward to life calming down in the New Year).

I also love life because I'm on fall break (the school I teach at is Year-Round schedule, so I get two weeks off in the fall) and still have four days off of school! Yippee! The time off has been great to work on wedding stuff, relax, spend time with my fiance, and get to see my adorable family. My brother in law, John, was running the Bocce ball games at Special Olympics over the weekend so I got to spend long days with him, my sister, my mom, and my adorable nephew on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. I love that kid!!

On Sunday, Jonny and I went to his niece's first birthday celebration. They had an Elmo themed party and she was so cute! Her cake was an Elmo head--VERY bright red. By the time she was done she was covered in red (it was a little gruesome looking but adorable). We love our niece and nephew!

Well, hopefully I'll use my time off for many productive things today...like the homework I've been avoiding all week. :-) I'm also going to try to work on my address list for the wedding--so PLEASE send me your address (I seem to have lost my address book...bad timing). Thanks!
Off to another blissful day!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

loving life!

Okay, I haven't posted this week because I don't really feel like I have much to say most days (and I seem to be a bit busy). I am completely, fully, and blissfully happy to be engaged. Jonny is an amazing fiance and he's perfect for me. We went on a walk this afternoon and sat in the park and just talked. It made me realize how lucky I am! He's so considerate, kind, and fun to be with. (I know, I know....we've been engaged less than a month and I'm already sickeningly happy!). Our wedding is December 27 at 11:30 am in the Jordan River Temple. The reception will be January 3 (probably 5-7pm?). We're excited for everyone to come celebrate with us!

This weekend was General Conference (a meeting with the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints...check out www.lds.org). I loved the great advice we received, especially considering the turbulant times we're living in. I feel better prepared to face the world this week with optimism and faith. How lucky we are to be able to listen to the words of prophets and apostles in our time!

Okay, time to get going to bed....busy week. We're looking for a house to buy, lots of stuff going on at school, etc. Good things! My life rocks. :-)